Sharing the Joy of Easter

We have three opportunities for you to honor your loved ones at Easter:

  1. Purchase an Easter Lily to beautify the church. Cost for the foil-wrapped, potted plant with S-7 blooms is $10. The lilies will decorate the church on Easter Sunday and may be taken after worship that day or can be shared with a homebound church member.

  2. Donate to our Block Party & Youth Hypeine Kit Missions. At our annual Block Party in August, and as our youth do mission this summer, we will continue our tradition of partnering with our neighbors to help those in need.

  3. Donate to our Ministry with those in poverty. Ministries include: Laundry Party. Thrive, Family Promise, Good Samaritan, etc.

If you are paying by check, please make it payable to East Heights UMC. In the memo section, please write "Easter Donation." Take to the church office or drop in the offering plate. You can donate online by clicking the"GIVE" button, then making your selections in the Easter section of the page.

On Easter, we will share the names of all those remembered in our bulletin. Donations must be received no later than April 3, 2023.

Thank you for sharing the Joy of Easter!