We're glad you're here.
Our Chapel Service offers traditional worship with hymns. Because it is held in the intimate 150-seat chapel, it allows you to participate and feel closely involved in the entire worship experience, drawing closer to God and the others in attendance. The experience is designed to include worshipers of all ages.
Spirit Alive moves from praise music and singing to scripture reading and a relevant message. This high-energy, multi-media worship is led by clergy, soloists and musicians. It includes time for prayer, joys and concerns and welcomes those who are led to make a personal commitment in response to God’s message.
Children, youth and adult Sunday school starts at 9:45 a.m
A family-friendly, full liturgical celebration with choir and congregational involvement. The sermons, scripture readings and hymns enable you to worship and glorify God.
Godly Play: Children ages 4 through 4th grade attending the 11:00 a.m. service will be led upstairs to Room 225 after the Time For Young Christians.
The Family Matters adult Sunday-school class starts at 11:00 a.m.
In response to the rise in COVID-19 infections in our community, the Board of Trustees of our church recommends that those in the building who are vaccinated wear masks, while requiring masks for the unvaccinated. The Trustees continue to recommend social distancing for all while inside, especially when eating or drinking. As we seek to provide a welcoming and safe environment for our guests and members, East Heights Pastors will wear masks while leading worship except when preaching, and volunteers working with children from birth through 11 years (those who cannot get vaccinated) will wear masks as well in the building regardless of vaccination status. These policies will continue to be adapted as needed. We encourage you to speak with your doctor about getting vaccinated if you have not already done so. The ongoing effect of the COVID-19 virus has required flexibility with our plans for worship and ministry, however, we will continue to be a faithful witness to the love of Jesus in our congregation and the community we serve!
Children's Sunday School
At East Heights, we believe that even the very youngest are ready and eager to develop their faith and relationship with God. To help the children on their journey, we offer church school at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings for children ages 3 through fifth grade. Everyone meets upstairs, in The Summit, and all are welcome! If you are a newcomer, please ask one of our greeters to help you find the appropriate classroom.
We also offer Godly Play, a time for children ages 4 through 4th grade attending the 11 a.m. sanctuary service, to learn Bible stories. After the Time for Young Christians during 11 a.m. service, children will be directed to follow the Godly Play teacher to The Summit. Parents can pick up their children upstairs in The Summit after worship.
Youth Sunday School
Sunday school that’s fun?
You better believe it! Learning about God doesn’t have to be boring. East Heights has excellent teachers who inspire youth and don’t know the meaning of “boring.”
All youth meet at 9:45 a.m. downstairs in the Youth Center for announcements and goodies and then head to the classrooms:
6th-7th graders – Room 034
8th graders – Room 039
9th, 10th, 11th & 12th graders – Room 035
Adult Sunday School
Grab a cup of coffee at Holy Grounds Coffeehouse and join a Sunday-school class. All groups welcome newcomers! Email Rev. Kim Dickerson-Oard for class time, location and more information.
Young adults: This class, geared specifically to young adults, returns in January. All young adults are invited to attend.
9:45 a.m. Sunday-school classes
Family Life: Covenant Room 120.
Connections: Conference Room 135.
11:00 a.m. Sunday-school class
Faith Matters: The class is always looking for ways our faith can be lived out in our daily lives. West Dining Room 150.