

Hello, East Heights’ Family and Friends!

It has been nearly three months since we closed the church office and began worshipping online. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we have all had to make adjustments to our daily routines including how we conduct the work of the church. With Governor Kelly’s suspension of the phased approach to limiting the effects of the virus, we can now begin the process of opening the church office and gradually return to normal business hours. While we are taking steps toward a return to on-site worship, only the office is reopening at this time, and we will continue worshipping online.   

Our church staff has begun the process of returning to the office however the building will remain locked. To maintain social distancing the Staff will be staggering their time in the building so if you need to speak with a staff member please make an appointment. All members and guests are required to adhere to the action steps listed on the welcome information poster provided at the main entries of the church and complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment prior to entering the building (and answer “no” to all questions).  

Please sign in at the guest book at the Hedrick Hall and Garden Entrance immediately upon entrance, as well as put on a disposable mask that will be available at the both entrances. You can also use a mask of your own. You may ring the doorbell at the Garden and Hedrick Hall entrances if you do not have an appointment with a staff member. If no one is available to help you please call the church office at (316) 682-6518 or email that staff member you wish to speak with. Questions may be directed to the clergy at or

As we seek to provide a safe space for our staff and all who enter our church building your support and adherence to these procedures is vital. After this letter you will find a document that goes into further detail of the procedures that have been outlined in these paragraphs along with a summary of results from our COVID-19 church survey. I look forward to the day when we will not have to follow these requirements but until that time comes, may we all work together to stay virus-free!

In Ministry Together,

Steve Spencer

Senior Pastor

East Heights United Methodist Church

East Heights United Methodist Church

Office Reopening

Information to know before you visit!

East Heights United Methodist Church is pleased to announce that the church office, with the approval of the Board of Trustees and Administrative Board, has opened back up to the public with the following safety precautions in place.  A date for the startup of on-site worship has not been selected, but will be no sooner than July 12.  Please stay tuned for more information about worship.

*Office hours will be limited to Monday through Friday 9am-noon, 1pm to 4pm.  If you have a need to meet at a time other than this, please contact one of the pastors.

*The church building will remain locked so that we can better ensure the safety of all staff, members, and guests.  While it is recommended you make an appointment in advance with the staff member you wish to see, you may also use the doorbell at either the Garden entrance or Hedrick Hall entrance if you do not have an appointment.

*Before coming into the building, please complete the COVID-19 Assessment that you will find on the doors and also listed below.  For the safety of our members and guests, you will need to be able to answer “no” to the following questions.  If you answer “yes” to any item, please conduct your business on the phone.

1. Have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

2. Have been exposed to or are residing with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

3. Have any of the following symptoms within the past 14 days:

a. Cough (not related to allergies)

b. Fever of 100.4 or higher

c. Sore Throat

d. Shortness of breath

e. Loss of taste or smell

4. Have traveled internationally or to an area with widespread transmission within the last 14 days.


*Once you enter the building you will be asked to complete the following items.  If you are unable to complete them, please choose to conduct your church business by phone.

1.  Masks (cloth or disposable) must be worn at all times by anyone over the age of 2 years and cover the mouth and nose.  Masks are available at the church if you do not have one.

2.   Guests will sign in upon entry and confirm they have answered the COVID-19 self-assessment.

3.  Use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands frequently.

4.  Observe the yellow tape on the floor to distance 6 feet from others.

5.  Conduct business with staff at their office doorways.  

6.  If you begin to feel sick while in the building, please let a staff member know.

*Staff will be wearing masks when outside their offices and social distancing.  They are staying home if sick and will report any presumed COVID-19 cases to proper authorities.  We have installed a protective partition at the receptionist desk in the program office.

As the situation continues to evolve, church leadership continues to meet to monitor new developments and ensure that precautionary measures are adequate.  


 East Heights United Methodist Church COVID-19 Response Congregational Survey Summary

These results were collected between May 10 and May 14.

183 people completed the survey

The online worship has met or exceeded my expectations:

89% agree

4% disagree


When do you most feel comfortable returning to in-person worship?

7% Immediately

21% June

18% July

19% Fall

21% I may not return until there is a vaccine.


Would you be willing to reserve your seat if this allowed people to come back to worship?

72.6% Yes

20% No


There will likely be no congregational singing, passing of the peace, children’s classes/nursery, or fellowship time when we come back.  There will be one-way entry and exit from worship spaces, and seats will be filled from the front to the back with 6-feet in between families.  Does this change your desire to meet for on-site worship?

30% Yes

66% No


A member of my family or I have participated in online Bible studies, classes or meetings.  Please answer in a way that is most true for you below.  

20% The online meeting has met or exceeded my expectations, and I think they should continue longer.

7% The online meetings met my needs, but now I’m ready to get back to meeting face-to-face.  

72%  N/A.


I am willing to wear a mask in the building if this allows us to open up.

40% Yes

33% Yes, and I will only come back if all present are required to wear a mask even if we are seated 6-feet apart.  

11.6% No

3% Yes, but I need a mask


I am willing to volunteer to help clean the building or provide direction for worshipers as a greeter or usher (practicing safe social distancing) in order for us to worship.

34% Yes

60% No


If you have infants or children how comfortable are you having them in the nursery or in Christian Education spaces.

6% I am very comfortable

36% I would wait a while


Vacation Bible School likely will need to be changed this summer for various reasons. Please let us know what you would prefer.

10% At home, on-line VBS

30% Postpone VBS until next summer

59% N/A


I would attend a “parking lot” worship experience where worshippers remain in their cars.

32% Yes

29% No

38% Maybe